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Our services

Whether you are a company or an association, whether you want a by the card service or an integrated strategic package, we certainly have the solution for you.

Réduction de vos coûts d'exploitation

No matter the size or type of organization, it always pays to improve your environmental performance. The main steps are:


  • Create a balance sheet of your environmental impacts

  • Make connections with your situation (objectives, projects in progress or already completed, needs, resources and constraints), prioritize projects and plan them (action plan with measurable indicators)

  • Realize your projects

  • Measure results and correct as needed


Marie-Josée Roy is a recognized expert for the Fonds Ecoleader so these services can be funded.




Regardless of the size or type of company, the integration of sustainable development can be both a mobilizing project for your employees and proof for your customers that you are a responsible company.


The approach is intended to be flexible and adapted to your level of advancement. We will build on your strengths and stick to your reality and the culture of your enterprise.


The objective of the strategic approach to sustainable development - corporate social responsibility (CSR) - is to help you improve your overall performance by finding the balance between economic, social and environmental aspects.




Marie-Josée Roy is a recognized expert for the Fonds Ecoleader so these services can be funded.


She participated in the preparation of the new guide of the ‘Association québécoise des loisirs muicipaux (AQLM): Municipal leisure and sustainable development'.

Démache stratégique et RSE
Communication et rapport ESG

Effectively communicating results to stakeholders is crucial in order to stand out as a responsible company. We can help you:


  • Share your commitments and your results in order to create mobilization and a sense of belonging among your employees




Communiquer efficacement ses résultats à ses parties prenantes est cruciale afin de se démarquer comme entreprise responsable.  Nous pouvns vous aider à :


  • Partager vos engagements et vos résultats afin de créer la mobilisation et le sentiment d'appartenance chez vos employés

  • Définir les indicateurs clés pour votre entreprise en cohérence avec les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies

  • Réaliser un rapport ESG (environnement, social et gouvernance) conforme aux meilleures pratiques (Global reporting initialive (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), etc.


Whether your company has a management system (quality, environment, OHS, energy, etc.) integrated or not, mature or not, an external auditor can bring you a new insight and help you improve the performance of your system and the achievement of your objectives, in a continuous improvement approach.


We can also help you optimize your management systems by integrating everything that is common and simplifying it (quality, environment, energy, OHS):


  • Quality management system: ISO 9001

  • Environmental management system: ISO 14001

  • Energy management system: ISO 50001

  • Occupational health and safety management system: ISO 45001

Suggested reading:

What if we stopped doing it for ISO?

(In French only)

Systèmes de gestion
Optimisation des compétences de votre équipe

The mobilization and development of your team's skills are essential to achieve the desired results!


We can help you:


  • Clarify your mission, vision and values

  • Define your strategic plan

  • Effectively communicate your strategy to your team

  • Improve your processes by removing everything that is not of added value for the customer

  • Measure and achieve your results

  • Improve the skills of your team members to better satisfy your customers

  • And more...


 Certified trainer by the ‘Commission des partenaires du marché du travail du Québec’ 

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